Posted By: Matthews Clarinet Jokes - 01/05/2007 12:55 AM
To be fair, here are some clarinet jokes:

Is there any difference between the sound of a clarinet and that of a cat in heat?
Of course there is, but only if the cat's in good health.

How many clarinetists does it take to change a lightbulb?
Only one, but he'll go through a whole box of bulbs before he finds just the right one.

What's the definition of a nerd?
Someone who owns his own alto clarinet.

What's the purpose of the bell on a bass clarinet?
Storing the ashes from the rest of the instrument.

How do you know when a clarinet player is at your house?
They don't know where to enter and what key to use.

What's the difference between a clarinet solo and scraping your nails down the blackboard?

How do you stop an oboe from being stolen?
Put it in a clarinet case.

How do you make a saxophone sound like a clarinet?
Miss a lot of notes...

What do call a line setup by clarinets?
A circle

And here is a site with more jokes (in general), though they're not all clarinet jokes...just music jokes.

Posted By: clarinet 2 Re: Clarinet Jokes - 01/07/2007 9:14 PM
Tisk, tisk, tisk.
Posted By: Matthews Re: Clarinet Jokes - 01/08/2007 3:02 PM
I know, I know...I couldn't just let the percussion be the brunt of all of the jokes. Who's next...hmmm....let's find some trumpet jokes.
Posted By: skyler Re: Clarinet Jokes - 01/10/2007 3:38 PM
myhahahahaha thats funny
Posted By: Matthews Re: Clarinet Jokes - 01/10/2007 8:50 PM
It's okay... Tuba jokes are next!