Posted By: Matthews Fun Activity - Geocaching - 04/18/2007 6:19 AM
For those of you who like the idea of "treasure hunting", this is a great hobby to get into. It's called Geocaching. You need a GPSr (Global Positioning System Receiver) and a web browser. Go this website:

Type in your zip code in the upper right corner and see how many hidden treasures are near you. Once you find one that you like, enter the Lat/Long into your GPSr and it will take you to within a few feet of the hidden treasure.

It is a blast! Often, these "caches" are hidden in places where people walk by them every day and never realize that they're there. Very fun!

So, what is inside them? Not much...usually a log book where you sign that you found it. Sometimes, there are things to trade (called "swag"). For example, you might take a few stickers and leave an action figure. It's a great family activity.

My family really enjoys it, so I thought I'd pass it along. (And for the SOL minded parents, it covers a few Physics SOLs I think)

Has anyone here tried it before?

Posted By: Hanna Re: Fun Activity - Geocaching - 04/20/2007 2:01 AM
hey this is the stuff we were talkin about...we dont have a GPSr I talked to my stepdad and he said that he wants to get one someday ....but who know how long that could be!!